Monday, May 9, 2011

Fashion Inspiration.

Christmas Craft Fair

Our class held a fun craft fair at christmas to raise funds for our End of Year Exhibition. The fair was held in the main college in ballyfermot and in the arts block in ballyfermot. We each made a few bits and pieces to sell in the fair including, christmas decorations, ipod covers, ceramic pieces, book marks etc. I made ipod covers and keyrings from felt, scrap materials and buttons. They didnt cost much to make and they were charged at approximately €2 each.
Thanks to support of the students and staff in BCFE.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Introduction! xo

Hello pretty blog followers :)
This is my first post. So if you dont know me, I'm gonna fill you in regarding my situation at the moment. So I'm in college and I'm in my second year studying Fibre Art and Textile Design, it's fabulous for the most part, although entails a lot of sweat, blood(yes blood! papercuts are not fun) and tears! Collectively we are known as the 'Fiberettes'.
So as a class project we are to set up a blog and feed it every few days, it will also be a personal challenge for me to keep up the blogging as part of my routine and hopefully substitute it for facebook as I am an addict!

So i'll post up inspiring ideas relating to current projects I am engaging in, but also i'll post pictures of fashion, art and photography that inspires me on a personal level. I'll post some of my own work as well as things that excite and influence me.
I shall update you with craft tips and all sorts of artistry!

So thanks for reading.
Until my next post,
Hasta La Vista...xo